Five People You Meet In Heaven by Mitch AlbomThis book is about an elderly amusement park maintenance man name Eddie. He served in the war and was wounded, leaving him with a permanent physical disability.
He is angry with his life as he feels he had to give up his own goals. He feels robbed of his own prospects by the ...war and those around him.
On his 83rd birthday, Eddie is killed trying to save a little girl from being crushed by a ride in the park.
After dying Eddie discovers that heaven is not a Garden of Eden, but a place where your life is explained to you by 5 people who were in it.
Eddie meet his wife, his old army captain, the women whom the amusment park was named after, and two people who died because of Eddie's innocent actions.
As Eddie meets each person, he learns how closely intertwined his life was with theirs both knowingly and unknowingly and in turn learns something more about himself. Through their stories, he finds the meaning of his own existence."