Sunday, June 27, 2010

Bestseller: Diary of a Wimpy Kids

Diary of a Wimpy Kids is a title of "Laugh-out-loud funny school stories with lessons."

Parents need to know that main character Greg usually doesn't do the right thing the first time around. Greg Heffley gets a journal from his mom ("a JOURNAL, not a diary") and records a middle school year's worth of crazy kid schemes, brushes with bullies, bad units in gym class, bids for student government, school play humiliation, and more.

His cluelessness about what would keep him out of trouble and why parents, teachers, and friends are upset with him is part of the book's humor, which leads the reader to any lesson Greg should be learning.

Parents will appreciate that Rowley's dad researches video games on a parent Web site to see if they have too much violence. Also, it is clear that Greg's mom is working hard to raise respectful sons.

Read this book, and I am sure you are going to like it!

Monday, June 14, 2010

Ask+ Believe + Receive=The Secret?

Ask+ Believe + Receive= The Secret ?

By Ann Teoh

The law of attraction (as in The Secret) suggested that we should always feel good and wonderful. It said that it is important for us to feel good and happy because when we are feeling good, we are putting ourselves into the frequency of what we are wanting.

I am not sure "feeling good" is the ultimate in life, although generally speaking, I prefer to feel good than to feel bad.

However, if "feeling good" were the ultimate, people would not sacrifice their lives for a better good. A mother would not suffer to bring up children, or keep the family together. But, the great leaders focused on the GOOD, not feeling good. People who fought for justice, peace, focused on good.

Striving for a better good is better than feeling ...

If you feel good, does that mean you will get definitely good things? Maybe the book defines what "good things" are?

I am trying to follow the logic (and perhaps debunk it):

On the score that good things come to those who feel good, and bad things to those who feel bad, would that mean that people who have bad things in their life attracted them, i.e. it is their fault? Say, cancer? Poverty? Loss of a job? Death of a child?

In my opinion, one needs to be examine such logic properly. And the fact is no one can "feel good" all the time either. To expect it of yourself is also unrealistic. People feel disappointed, angry, frustrated: these are all human feelings given to us, to understand that things are not perhaps as one desires. The law of attraction is simplistic, and simple. Simple because it is man-made.

Truth is not so convenient.

Deep joy (as opposed to fleeting happiness or excitement) comes from peace in the heart, and peace comes from hope. And hope can only come from the One who can give it to us, despite our human failings and human condition, and where our own efforts fail. Hope is a gift from God. Not something that can be manufactured from "feel good".

Just sharing my understanding. :-) Ann Teoh